Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program

The mission of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at the University of Connecticut is threefold:

  1. to transform scholarship in existing academic disciplines by incorporating the study, contributions, and feminist analysis of gender and sexuality;
  2. to create a new body of interdisciplinary feminist research and teaching that concentrates on women, gender, sexuality; and
  3. to build a supportive and critical scholarly community that advances our understanding of the construction, reproduction, and resistance to inequality.

These activities further three goals:

  1. to institutionalize the generation of feminist and queer knowledge about women, gender, and sexuality within and across disciplines and other interdisciplinary sites; and
  2. to develop understanding and opportunities for political activism that advances social justice; and
  3. to provide individuals with the means to integrate feminist and queer theory into their scholarship, professional work, and everyday lives.